Migration and Asylum law in the Law Faculty curriculum

At our school, students can participate in a comprehensive programme on migration and asylum law that includes both theoretical and practical courses as well as courses offering skills; students are also involved in research.

Theoretical background is taught in several courses such as Asylum and Refugee Law, Migration Law, Migration and Social Law or Protection of National Minorities. Our courses provide students with deeper understanding of relevant issues, not only within European Law, but also international and national law contexts. Students can gain practical experience. For the last nineteen years, we have been organizing a refugee law clinic in which students work with refugee clients and receive feedback both from NGOs and us - teachers. Recently, we have added a possibility of an internship at the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic and internships at UNHCR as well as in law offices focused on immigration and asylum law.

We also deepen students' skills. Students can try out different roles in a yearly Czech-Slovak Asylum Law Moot Court Competition which has a long tradition at our faculty, or during a simulation of the Council of the European Union on asylum, migration and security issues. There are practical seminars on the art of argumentation based on particular refugee cases. In cooperation with the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic we organize a simulation of a refugee camp.

We also want to educate future researchers; therefore, we support especially students in the doctoral program by enabling them to participate in workshops and conferences. Teachers at this program are active researchers; they publish their papers regularly and participate in conferences in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Our current research includes the following topics:

  • Temporariness of refugee protection (funded by: Charles University, Primus programme)
  • The ongoing re-definition of the refugee protection scheme in the 21st century (funded by: Charles University, Progres 05 programme)
  • History of refugee protection and migration in the Czech Republic (funded by: Charles University, Progres 05 programme)

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